
Our vision is to help provide opportunities for fathers and their sons to experience adventure and the outdoors.


We want Project Outdoors meetings and events to be enjoyable. We hope that dads will participate in the playful games we play. Our goal is to laugh often and create wonderful memories together. Please avoid discussions on divisive political or conspiracy theories during these events; those topics can be saved for elsewhere. We welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds and differing political or religious beliefs. Let’s simply have fun together.

Fathers for Fathers

Project Outdoors is not simply a place to drop off your kids, but rather a place where you can bring your son and actively participate in thrilling adventures together. It offers an opportunity to create lasting memories and acquire valuable knowledge. Through our program, fathers and sons will have the chance to learn and explore the great outdoors side by side. As fathers, we will also provide mutual support in the incredible journey of raising our boys.

Stewards of Nature

We believe that nature and being outdoors is a gift, one for which we should be great stewards. We practice leaving no trace in the outdoors and strive to leave it even cleaner than how we initially found it.

Personal Responsibility

As a parent, it is your responsibility to supervise your son during events. Project Outdoors assumes no liability for you or your son during any of the activities. Project Outdoors functions solely as a club that aids in coordinating group activities.

Non-Discrimination Policy

Project Outdoors is committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants in our father and son outdoor activities. We celebrate diversity and believe that everyone deserves respect and equal treatment. Our policy is as follows:

  1. Equal Participation: We welcome fathers, sons, and guardians of all backgrounds, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other protected characteristic. Everyone is encouraged to participate fully in our outdoor adventures.
  2. Respectful Behavior: All participants are expected to treat each other with kindness, courtesy, and respect. Discriminatory language, actions, or behavior will not be tolerated. We value open communication and encourage positive interactions among group members.
  3. Reporting Incidents: If any participant experiences or witnesses discrimination, harassment, or exclusionary behavior, we encourage them to report it promptly to the group leader or organizer. We take such reports seriously and will address them promptly and confidentially.
  4. Consequences: Violations of this policy may result in corrective actions, including warnings, suspension, or expulsion from the group. Our goal is to maintain a safe and supportive environment for all.
  5. Educational Efforts: We are committed to ongoing education and awareness about diversity, inclusion, and anti-discrimination. We will periodically provide resources and training to our members to promote understanding and empathy.
  6. Inclusivity in Activities: Our outdoor activities and events will be planned with inclusivity in mind. We strive to accommodate diverse interests, abilities, and needs to ensure that everyone can participate.

By participating in Project Outdoors group, you agree to uphold this non-discrimination policy and contribute to a positive and respectful community.